On Self help

Many people don’t read certain books simply because they’re classified as ‘Self Help’ somewhere. There’s a taboo associated with this genre. As if by reading a book classified as such, means there is something wrong with you and you’re crying for help. What a shame for so many of these jewels to remain unread by people who can benefit from them. And what a shame for us to not seek help to understand the workings of what we need to the most – Ourselves.

To think of it, none of us came to this world with a manual for how to live. So don’t we all need help at various instances in life? Sometimes some of us realize it and seek help. Other times we remain utterly confused.

Reading self help books can be extremely impactful when we’re already experiencing trouble. However, we also run the risk of being influenced by polarizing concepts at our most vulnerable moments. 

We are able to get a better perspective by reading them when we’re not going through any particular troubling situation. That allows us to be objective about what the writer has to say and absorb what the book has to offer with an open mind. And when the problem actually arrives, we’d be more ready than we were before. We may not even experience it as a problem because we naturally and intuitively deal with it thanks to the tools we have crafted all along. 

Watch The School of Life‘s beautiful commentary on Why You Should Read Self-help Books.